It brings together five higher education institutions, Aalto University and FilmEU (the European Universities Alliance for Film and Media arts) currently promoting the only European University in the cultural and creative industries. All HEI partners have strong expertise and participation in different KICs, along with several industry and public organisations. The five institutions have a joined partnership with AaltoES (Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, the most active student-run entrepreneurship society in Europe). Together, this consortium will work towards incrementally improving the degree to which entrepreneurship is included within the core ecosystem of the future European University and to which innovation is central in its consolidation.
All project partners are deeply involved in developing and promoting entrepreneurial activity and seek to put this at the centre of the future European University. FilmEU brings together four European higher education institutions: Lusófona University, Tallinn University, LUCA School of Arts, and Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology − all full partners in C-Accelerate. Together with Aalto University and all other full and associated partners, these institutions will collaborate around the common objective of promoting entrepreneurial education, innovation, and research activities in the multidisciplinary field of the cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI).
FilmEU is focused on long-term strategic collaboration and the development of a European University that is a model for European collaboration and integration in the fields of the arts and the creative industries. Our vision is to create a European University that will greatly contribute to Europe’s leading role as a provider of education and research in the creative and artistic areas. Our mission is to configure a European University that promotes the knowledge triangle in these fields by contributing to the ongoing structural, economic and material reconfigurations of the CCSI. To do so, FilmEU must promote original innovation ecosystems in the arts and creative industries across Europe, and power its students to become entrepreneurs and innovators that will generate breakthroughs to tackle global challenges.
Building on the partners’ HEInnovate self-assessments, existing KIC expertise and FilmEU-established portfolio of educational and entrepreneurial initiatives, C-Accelerate presents an ambitious Innovation Vision Action Plan geared towards the partner’s long-term vision.
C-Accelerate covers four related dimensions that represent the pillars of the project: entrepreneurial education, project development and business acceleration, support structures for creativity and knowledge transfer, and collaboration and institutional engagement. These four pillars articulate the actions the project proposes across the knowledge triangle.